Thursday, November 26, 2009

Improving your faculty

First of all I like my faculty because, in a way, you feel that your are studying veterinary as it has a lot of landscape with "Mundo Granja" where you can relate with many different animals. Is not like a convecional faculty with just buildings and where everything it's indoors. Although is nice being in a more "natural" enviorment, when it is winter it's not very nice.
First of all I would improve the computers and the internet conexion. There's not enough computers and when you find a computer available, the internet doesn't work or it is too slow. At the end, as we have some free time between classes, we can't use it wisely because we can't advance in other things.
The other place is the cafeteria. It is a little bit small and the problem is not when it is summer (because the people prefer sitting on the grass, enjoy the nice weather), it's during winter. In winter everybody is looking a place to be warm, or maybe not being too cold, so they decide to go to the cafeteria. As the cafeteria is too small, and considering that the line for buying food starts at the entrance, it's kind of difficult to mobilize and at the end many people have to stay at their feet because there isn't enough chairs either.
From everything, the computers and cafeteria is what I would improve. Obviously there could be other things but I think that many things (that someones could like, but others don't) is what makes unique our faculty. I think that if we try to improve everything, the enviroment and the feeling, of studying veterinary, that generates will be lost.

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