Thursday, November 26, 2009

Challenges in your discipline

I think, first of all, a big challenge is that it is a discipline in which you can't stop studying. Like human medicine, everyday appears new diseases that a pacient that arrives to the consulting room can have and we have to be prepared. Also everyday new technology appears, new vaccines appear, so in general it is a discipline in which we have to be updated everyday.
In my point of view, although it is a discipline that requires love towards the animals, I think that sometimes that could play against us. I mean, that if someone loves a lot the animals, at a level that you can't see an animal suffering, maybe these career is not the right choice. Sometimes people could confuse and think that veterinary is what it whole life have wanted because they care for the animals, but if you can't see an animal suffering, there are other ways of helping them beside becoming a veterinarian.
Being a veterinarian means that you will deal everyday with pacients and their owners, so you have to learn how to deal with the owner. Sometimes the owner will refuse in a treatment you have to do, and you will need to be able to make him reconsider it. Also, maybe, the owner wants a treatment for it pet that is not the right one and you have to convince him not to do it. As we will have to deal with pacients and owners, we'll also going to deal with coworkers.
Veterinary, beside being a discipline in which we have to heal the animals, it's a discipline that implies the necessity of ensure that the animal it's in a safe place, to teach the people how they have to treat animals because taking care of an animal goes beyond what you could do at the consulting room.
Finally, veterinary it's a career where you learn about a lot of things, they teach you about many areas, different animals, but when becoming a professional the best thing is to specialize in something in particular and try to be the best you can in what you do. It isn't useful to learn about everything if at the end you won't be able to give your best.

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