Friday, November 27, 2009


A new year is a chance of starting again in every aspects of your life, you learn about your old mistakes and you grow as a person in every sense. With your academic life it happens the same, although you keep studying the same career, every year is completely different. Each year has it challenges and easy things, you meet new people and you make new decisions. During this year, there were good things and bad things, things that could be done differently or things that should not have happened.
Reflecting about the good things, first of all, the courses were more interesting. First year was a year were the teachers try to level the knowledge of the students so the courses were not so interesting, but still they were hard. Second year, on the other hand, the mayority of the courses were more linked to the career itself. During the first year, people have to get use to a completely different system, is not like the school that teachers try to help you in every aspect, now you are "alone". The good thing about second year is that you gain the practice of how to do the things, how you can get the things so it does not make the year too hard (without counting the courses and the evaluation itself).
Like there are good things, there are also bad things. Maybe bad is not the right word, because from everything people can take a lesson so at the end is not as bad at it looks like. Things that were not so thrilling are related to the difficulty of the year. As in every career, the next year has newer and bigger challenges (many people say that the first years are the hardest and then it is not so bad). This year the courses were harder and the teachers expect more from a student because now they have the "tools" to overcome more difficult situations.
Rewinding in the year, good things were that the grades got better as now the habit of studying got better and it feels like what teachers taught is more useful for life as a veterinarian. On the other hand, new and bigger responsabilities appeared, the academic exigency is higher and sometimes students feels like if they can not lead with everything, but as everything in life a new year is a new obstacle from which they can learn.
Concluding, second year at veterinary school was not as bad as people can imagine at the end of the year. Sometimes it feels like if it is too much and that the fatigue is so big that the only thing people want to do is just throw everything and do nothing. This year was hard in many aspects, but the only thing that helped was to be perseverance because nothing in life will be easy and next year will be a new year with new challenges and things for remember.

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