Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My favorite animal

Since little I loved sea animals and I thought on working at Sea World with the dolphins or study zoology marine because I think that the ocean is a completely different world full of magnificient creatures. Although it was my passion, my favorite animal wasn't from the sea. I remember when little I had to do the "Great Brain Project", at my school, about an animal I like the most and, although I don't remember why, I decided to present about the polar bear.
Even though many people see the polar bear as a threat because they use to go to the camps and people are afraid of it, I like to see the other "face" of this animal. First of all I think that this creature doesn't invade the camps because he wants to kill, it's just that he smells food and we can't forget that it's the human who invade, in the first place, the home of the polar bear.
Troughout the whole time I was doing my project, I liked more and more this animal. I think that it's a majestous animal, with it white fur, black nose and thick feet. It has a great sense of smell because he can detect seals swimming under the ice, that can't be thin because if not it won't resist the weight of the bear. It's an animal who has a very lonely life, who only has the company of its baby, he doesn't live in group with other bears. He can give birth to one or two babies who are born during the time the mother hibernates.
It may be difficult to imagine a big and scary animal, as the polar bear and other bears, as a nice one. But sometimes I wonder, if this animals were so danger as some people said, how come that it is so common to buy teddy bear to someone we care, to love the gummy bears of ambrosoli and even more to have the gominola bear. I think that as any animal, the polar bear will be danger only if he feels threat or scare.
Now a days, although I still love the polar bear, I don't think I would work in something related with him. I prefer to stay with the image of a nice creature, but also knowing how he can react in presence of threatness I think I better don't relate with him.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nico!!

    Polar bear is a great animal..
    I love its white fur!!

    See you ;)
