Tuesday, September 29, 2009


September is an important month for every chilean because the 18th it's the independance day of Chile. It's a month of celebration and joy and also to remember our traditions and culture that makes chile an unique and great country.
At the beggining of September people start flying comets of differents colors because it's also the month when spring comes and you can see trees and flowers blooming, and there's the perfect wind for the comets. This month has the nicer weather to enjoy of the special day that the 18th represents.
The 18th of september is a day in which all the people unite for a common cause and all of them celebrate in a big party known as the "Fonda". The "Fonda" is so common that we can find them in any city we are. This party starts during the day and people can enjoy of some empanadas, anticuchos, roast and also dance "La Cueca" and it continues during some hours of the night for the people to keep dancing and celebrating.
Other people take the chance of leaving Santiago for the holiday because they see it as an opportunity to get away of the big city, the pollution, and just relax beside of celebrating the 18th. This is what I like the most of the holiday because I usually stay in Santiago and it's so quiet (comparing with a normal day) and the restaurants aren't full and the streets are much more nice when taking a walk.
September the 18th is a chance of relaxing and having a great time, but we never have to forget the reason why we are celebrating this day; it's not as any other holiday.


  1. Hi Nicole!

    how are you? I hope you are very good.
    I agree with that I never forget the real reason of celebrate this day, because it was a important day in the history of this country.
    I hope you've had very good in 18th.

    See you! kiss.

  2. September is an important month for every CAPS chilean because the 18th it's the independance day of Chile. It's a month of celebration and joy and also to remember our traditions and culture that makes chile an unique and great country.
    At the SP beggining of September people start flying WW comets of differents colors because it's also the month when spring comes and you can see trees and flowers blooming, and there's the perfect wind for the comets. This month has the nicer weather to enjoy of the special day that the 18th represents.
    The 18th of september is a day in which all the people unite for a common cause and all of them celebrate in a big party known as the "Fonda". The "Fonda" is so common that we can find them in any city we are. This party starts during the day and people can enjoy of some empanadas, anticuchos, roast and also dance "La Cueca" and it continues during some hours of the night for the people to keep dancing and celebrating.
    Other people take the chance of leaving Santiago for the holiday because they see it as an opportunity to get away of the big city, the pollution, and just relax beside of celebrating the 18th. This is what I like the most of the holiday because I usually stay in Santiago and it's so quiet (comparing with a normal day) and the restaurants aren't full and the streets are much more nice when taking a walk.
    September the 18th is a chance of relaxing and having a great time, but we never have to forget the reason why we are celebrating this day; it's not as any other holiday.

    Good! very well explained. Check some of the correctiosn but in genreal i can say it is flawless
    p.s. you got a 6.7
