Friday, September 25, 2009


About transantiago there's not much that I can tell because I don't use it frequentely. During my whole life at school my dad took me in the mornings and my mom pick me up afternoon. Only a couple of times I traveled back home by micro and, when I did, I only use the 405 so I didn't experienced what was like to change or wait to more than one micro.
From the few things that I can opinion is that the drivers drive a little bit slower than before. With the old micros the chauffeurs compete to pick up more passengers. That was a reason why I didn't like to use the micros and reason why my mom prefered to pick me up and also take me wherever I needed to go.
The fact that transantiago is now slower it's positive because that makes it safer, but for the people who drive cars is a little bit annoying because the traffic gets slower and as the buses are so big it's kind of scare to pass them from the side.
Also, transantiago has more space inside for people to walk. In the old micros the corridor was too narrow so when someone had to get off it was difficult to stand from the seat. A very important positive point is that the new buses pollute less than the old ones helping the enviornment.
Finally, transantiago helps to the peoples' pocket because before it was obligation to pay every time someone had to use a different bus, but with transantiago the passengers can pay ones when they use one bus after the other consecutively.


  1. Hi nico!
    I'm totally agree with your post!

    Cata Vera

  2. About transantiago there's not much that I can tell because I don't use it frequentely. During my whole life at school my dad took me in the mornings and my mom TENSE pick me up afternoon. Only a couple of times I traveled back home by micro and, when I did, I only use the 405 so I didn't experienced what was like to change or wait to more than one micro.
    From the few things that I can opinion is that the drivers drive a little bit slower than before. With the old micros the WW chauffeurs compete to pick up more passengers. That was a reason why I didn't like to use the micros and reason why my mom prefered to pick me up and also take me wherever I needed to go.
    The fact that transantiago is now slower it's positive because that makes it safer, but for the people who drive cars is a little bit annoying because the traffic gets slower and as the buses are so big it's kind of scare to pass them from the side.
    Also, transantiago has more space inside for people to walk. In the old micros the corridor was too narrow so when someone had to get off it was difficult to stand from the seat. A very important positive point is that the new buses pollute less than the old ones helping the enviornment.
    Finally, transantiago helps to the peoples' pocket because before it was obligation to pay every time someone had to use a different bus, but with transantiago the passengers can pay ones when they use one bus after the other consecutively

    well done! the problem about the fare is that no everybody pays :(

