Friday, August 28, 2009


At the end of the first semester, of this year, I felt good about myself because I reached my goal of not taking any second exam ("recuperative" exam) because the couple of times that I had to take it, the first year, it was very stressfull. Although we took harder courses, it wasn't too hard and stressfull to study because, in a way, now I have the training and learned how to study.
Beside the obligatory courses, I had to choose an elective because it is required to have 3 electives courses taken for the end of the second year. My elective wasn't hard because the two tests we had, the teacher sent us to our mails so we could do it by ourselves at home and we could use any help we wanted; such as notebook and also internet. It wasn't a very entertaining course but it wasn't too hard to understand either becuase it treated themes that we saw in biology during the first year.
The first semester was full of emotions, I had good times and bad times. I met new people (my actual boyfriend with whom I'm very happy. I met him during the welcome reunion we did for the new "mechones" because he is a friend's cousin and he came with my friend who study with me the first year of university and then decided to leave) and lost others; but with my friends always next to me to support me. July was a very hard month and it felt like it would never end and still hasn't. Although it feels like life is back to normal, because I'm busy and distract with duties, there are some days in which I realize that there is still a long way to go and we (me and my family) will need to face new obstacles.